Contact With Objects & Equipment – The Number 1 Cause of Injury in Manufacturing

With June being National Safety Month, we are looking at the top causes of unintentional injuries and illnesses in the private sector. Concentrating specifically on the Manufacturing Industry which had a higher rate of incidence per 100 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers at 3.4 than the overall rate of 2.8 cases for all industries combined.

Costs incurred to employers can be direct, such as Workers’ Compensation, medical bills, and legal bills. Indirect costs are loss of productivity, training replacements, accident investigations, implementation of corrective measures, repairs to property, and more. OSHA even provides an online Safety Pays program where you can figure estimated costs specific to your company.

Again, looking specifically at  Manufacturing, the number one cause of injury was due to Contact with Objects and Equipment, accounting for 39.5% of all non-fatal injuries.

Within this classification alone, being struck by a falling object, injured by a handheld object, or being caught in or compressed by equipment or objects were leading factors, totaling 30% overall.

So as an employer, what are you to do? Well, every employer has a duty to provide a safe work environment. We all know that OSHA compliance is a must. And a safety training program is worth the time and upfront expense.

Also, think about what you require from your employees on a daily basis. Is there too much pressure to perform at an unsafe, rapid pace? If you’re short of labor, are you placing people that are not properly trained or are unqualified on equipment? Are your employees getting the chance to rest and rejuvenate? Are your employees comfortable speaking with a supervisor if they feel unsafe?

Besides taking stock of your overall operations as stated above, below are a few key prevention tips courtesy of the NSC.

  • Conduct safety assessments

  • Keep equipment properly functioning

  • Only have properly trained personnel operate equipment

  • Require proper personal protective equipment (PPE)

Give The Xcel Group a call to see how we can assist you in making your company safe from these too common hazards.